Rating a wine.... Why? And What About Your Opinion?
Rating and scoring wines is a part of all the TLTV Wine and tasting notes you find here. Use these as an indicator. traubenliebe aims to be as objective as possible. Wine and wine enjoyment are very personal. When you see a rating verify if you see it in a similar way.
Even a wine that was very well made and has received a very high score might just not be your taste. You know what! That is ok and nothing to worry about. Use the score as a guideline and nothing more. At end you need to look, feel and taste your way through the wine world to find your one or more true wine love(s). Below a brief explanation of the wine scores on TLTV Wine and the tasting notes on the site and compared to the 20 point scale.
Building a scorecard for the wines at realtasting.com works like this :
Clarity/Color - Out of 10 points max 5 points each
Aroma - Intensity - Out of 10
Aroma - Nose - Out of 10
Aroma - Complexity - Out of 15
Taste - Balance - Out of 15
Taste - Complexity - Out of 25
Taste - Finish - Out of 15
These build the total score for the wine. With a focus on complexity and depth of the wines and finish of the tasting experience.
100 Points |
20 Points |
Action RecommendationExceptional |
100 | 20 | A divine wine. Treasure, Collect, Enjoy buy them all :) |
99 | 19.75 | A classic. Treasure, Collect, Enjoy buy them all :) |
98 | 19.5 | A classic. Treasure, Collect, Enjoy buy them all :) |
97 | 19.25 | Exceptional. Treausre, Collect, Enjoy buy them all :) |
96 | 19 | Outstanding. Treasure, Collect, Enjoy buy them all :) |
95 | 18.5/18.75 | Outstanding. Treasure, Collect and Enjoy |
94 | 18.25 | Outstanding. Treasure, Collect and Enjoy |
93 | 18 | Outstanding. Collect and Enjoy |
92 | 17.75 | Outstanding. Collect and Enjoy |
91 | 17.5 | Outstanding. Collect and Enjoy |
90 | 17/17.25 | Outstanding. Collect and Enjoy |
89 | 16.75 | Very good. Collect and Enjoy |
88 | 16.5 | Very good. Purchase and Enjoy |
87 | 16.25 | Very good. Purchase and Enjoy |
86 | 16 | Very good. Purchase and Enjoy |
85 | 15.75/15.5 | Very good. Purchase and Enjoy |
84 | 15.25 | Good. Potential Purchase |
83 | 15 | Good. Potential Purchase |
82 | 14.75 | Good. Potential Purchase |
81 | 14.5 | Good. Potential Purchase |
80 | 14.25/14 | Good. Potential Purchase |
79 | 13.75 | Mediocre. Not interesting |
78 | 13.5 | Mediocre. Not interesting |
77 | 14.25 | Mediocre. Not interesting |
76 | 14 | Mediocre. Not interesting |
75 | 12.75/12.5 | Mediocre. Not interesting |
74 | 12 | Mediocre. Not interesting |
73 | 11.75 | Mediocre. Not interesting |
72 | 11.5 | Mediocre. Not interesting |
71 | 11.25 | Mediocre. Not interesting |
70 | 11 | Mediocre. Not interesting |
<70 | <10.75 | Not worth noting at all. Considered not worth noting |
In a nut everything above 85 traubenliebe points is worth puchasing and slurping. Wines between 80 and 84 could be interesting but do not expect a huge wine experience. These are by no means bad wines they just lack that certain something. Nontheless if you come a cross them.... have sip. The more you sip the more you learn. Broaden your wine horizon. Live the motto: Joy and pleasure celebrated in wine!